Colin, Mandy, and Eliza

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Monday, March 26, 2007

FAIR REPORT - March 2007

The Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research

On 25 March 2007, Evangelical Christians are distributing a new
anti-Mormon DVD to thousands of homes across the United States. The
video asks viewers to compare Joseph Smith with Jesus Christ and
Christianity with Mormonism. The video has excellent production values
but, unfortunately, its contents are not of a similar quality.

Though it purports to be an objective Christian evaluation of the
teachings, history, and beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, it contains much that is inaccurate and very little
that is balanced. Rather than focus on what they believe, the video's
producers have taken it upon themselves to describe and interpret LDS
beliefs and teachings, often in ways that would be objectionable or
unrecognizable to Latter-day Saints.

While they profess love in the DVD, the letter that accompanied
pre-release copies of the video, given to select non-Mormons, speaks
volumes. It says, in part:

CAUTION: This video is to be viewed by CHRISTIANS ONLY until AFTER
the nation-wide distribution which is scheduled for March 25, 2007.
In-other-words, do not allow any Mormon people to view the video or
learn of our intended evangelistic outreach until after March 25,

Why such extreme caution? If the leadership of the Mormon cult
learns of our plans, they will publicly instruct their people not
to watch the video and many Mormons will blindly obey.

This DVD contains many of the same anti-Mormon claims that misguided
critics have been repeating for years. The issues raised have been
repeatedly addressed by faithful Latter-day Saints, but the video does
not address or take those responses into account.

Though the critics have tried to keep the production and distribution
of this video a secret, we were able to obtain a copy about a week
ago. FAIR volunteers watched the DVD and have prepared a
point-by-point response to the claims it makes. This has been a
collaborative effort; we express our thanks to those volunteers who
spent many hours watching the DVD, researching information, and
responding to the various claims. We used special wiki software for
the collaboration, which means that multiple people could work on the
responses at the same time. But given the nature of wiki software, we
may continue to make refinements to our responses.

In one way, we are grateful to the producers of the DVD as it has
motivated us to address, yet again, the oft-repeated criticisms from
this small but vocal countercult group. Our response to the DVD
provides an easy reference guide for Latter-day Saints and other
interested parties who wish to investigate the DVD's claims.

To view the responses to this DVD, and to see the work of our FAIR
volunteers on this project, go to this URL:

Feel free to forward this special FAIR Journal on to other
individuals, mailing lists, Blogs, or message boards.
If you have received this FAIR Journal and are not currently on the
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-Scott Gordon
FAIR President

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official statements of LDS doctrine, belief or practice.

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Copyright (c) 2007 by The Foundation for Apologetic Information and
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