Colin, Mandy, and Eliza

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

4 months

Eliza had her 4 month check-up yesterday. She is 11 lbs 4.6 oz (5th % for weight) & 24 1/2 in long (75th% for height). She is a little string bean even though she looks chunky to me. The doctor said its time to start rice-cereal just to see if that helps her gain a little more weight. She was so cute when the doctor was examining her. She was all smiles and when she checked for a clicking in her hip Eliza was laughing hysterically and the doctor just melted at how cute she was being. She got her first round of immunizations and was a champ. The fussiness didn't hit until later in the afternoon and she just had a several hour meltdown. Thankfully she slept 10 hours last night and woke up a happy girl, although she still is a bit more fussy today than normal. But she is allowed to be since she got blindsided by 2 shots in the thigh yesterday, poor girl.

At 4 months Eliza is better and more consistent at rolling over, LOVES her feet and always wants to suck and chew on her toes, is reaching for things, loves touching mommy & daddy's face, likes looking in the mirror, doesn't want her pacifier very much, laughs more & more, enjoys storytime because she can touch the pages now, plays with her ears while nursing, and is still all smiles. She really is a happy girl.


Blogger Emily and Aaron Carter said...

10 hours?! Kill me now. The longest Preston has gone is 6 hours and that was a miracle. He usually goes only 4 hours between feedings at night but sometimes he'll still want to eat every 3 hours. Let's just say I'm not getting the rest I need. We also can't get him to nap well during the day. Are we doing something wrong or is it just the way he is?
She is adorable though. We can't wait to meet this happy little girl.

1:21 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

She is so sweet. 11 lbs doesn't sound like 5% to me (but my kids are small). :) I love her little mouth!

1:50 PM  
Blogger Mandy said...

Em~I bet you're tired. All I know is I used the concepts from Babywise since Eliza was 2 weeks old. I wasn't super strict about it, just consistent and she has good naps & sleeps well at night. Some days aren't perfect but overall she does well. I just wish she'd gain some more weight. Hang in there, it will get better.

1:51 PM  
Blogger Rob, Adrienne, Sam, Ada and Tony said...

Shots are no fun. Ada got 2 recently too. Eliza really has a cute face. You can tell she's a happy baby too.

3:49 PM  
Blogger S said...

Mandy, she's totally beautiful.

Emily, if you need napping support, I'm here for you sister! you've heard all about it on my blog.

7:15 PM  

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