Colin, Mandy, and Eliza

This site is for us to keep you informed of what we feel like sharing.

Friday, December 17, 2010


So I really need to post Eliza's 9 and 10 month updates with pictures and I will do that very soon because I have a ton of cute pictures of her on my camera just waiting to be uploaded to my computer.

Can I just say...bahumbug. In large families it seems an impossible task to try to coordinate activites, Christmas dinner being the objective of this post. "I'm not coming if so and so is there", "oh, they are coming, then we can't come" etc. Is it so hard to sit down for 2 hours on Christmas eve with your whole family to share a meal and attempt to enjoy each other's company? Well yes, in my family it is. So I am frustrated because what I pictured for Christmas eve is not really turning out. Why even bother?

But, then I remembered that even though someone is always mad at someone, someone usually gets hurt feelings, sometimes even someone cries, we are family and we should make an effort to get along and to put aside our differences. After all we played barbies and GI-joes when we were little. We wasted a whole summer once beating all the levels on Super Mario. We spent hours making forts and playing games with each other. We watched movies together, made treats together, and danced to Footloose and Girls Just Want to Have Fun music. We made plays for our parents. We attempted to make an ice skating rink in our backyard (in CA, didn't work very well). We had fun, at least that is how I remember it. So even though we are all grown-up and some people just can't get it together I still think it is important to try. So that is why I bother because I love my family. And even though it may not turn out how I thought (usually never does) it WILL turn out and it will be nice, fun and memorable, I am sure of it!

This cute girl is in Paris for Christmas, my darling sister who I miss. The only thing we fight about is...nothing actually. Love her.


Blogger Andrea Hale said...

I'm sorry Mandy! We're kind of dealing with the same thing this year. haha You're right though, it will be okay and you will remember it. If nothing else just hang out with Colin and that sweet baby of yours (what more could you want?). :) Hope you're well! Love ya!

8:51 AM  
Blogger Mindy said...

I love how Tari is in your family photo, haha! Sorry it sounds like you're having a tough holiday season, why don't we get together and have a roommate reunion soon?

4:25 PM  
Blogger kathryn clara said...

two things: You look really pretty in that picture. And the only thing we "fight" about...if you even want to call it that is you wanting my stuff. I love you sis! I wish i was there....oh well. Next christmas. AND i decided i am living with you all ready for me to be there alllll the time!

9:45 AM  

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