Colin, Mandy, and Eliza

This site is for us to keep you informed of what we feel like sharing.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

She's home!

After 32 + hours of traveling stand-by, Kacy is finally home, safe and sound! She is 21 years old and a very smart and capable girl but I was still so worried for her traveling alone, from Paris flying stand-by when she had never done stand-by before. Last night she got stuck in Boston and we couldn't find her a hotel anywhere so she had to hunker down in the airport terminal with no cell phone, no wi-fi and a little bit of money. We lost contact with her for almost 12 hours and had know idea where she was, what she was doing, if she was okay until we saw she got on her 1st connecting flight this morning (via Colin's access to Delta information through his dad). She was "off-the-gird" all night and it scared me.

I have yet to talk to her about the details of last night but I know my mom, dad and I were all praying so much that she was kept safe and protected from harm. When we breifly spoke right after she arrived she said that "angels protected her last night". And all I could think was that she was right because here family was praying so hard for her to be safe. I am grateful for pray and know that our prayers were answered last night.

Yeah for spending the next month with Kacy! I have missed her sOOOOO much!


Blogger Mel said...

Glad she's home safe and sound, that's crazy!

2:52 PM  
Blogger kathryn clara said...

Such a crazy experience! But I learned a few things from it! I love you so much! thanks for all your love and prayers. I could feel them. Excited for the time we can spend together! love you!

6:23 PM  

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