Colin, Mandy, and Eliza

This site is for us to keep you informed of what we feel like sharing.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Marriage is what brings us together today

Hello All-
Here is the latest, a final copy of the announcement for the big event. I know it is sideways, but I am too lazy to take the time and make it look right. If you have one of those new monitors that rotate 180 degrees than you are all set. Signing off, for not.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Behold, the beauty of enertainment

Here is the brand new Motorola amp/reciever. All i need say is that it is certainly worth full retail price, and since i didn't have to pay retail, I couldn't be happier.
Here we have the enterainment set up. The speaker that are powered by the Motorola. They are Theater Research brand and are wonderful. They are very loud, very. Considering I bought them from a guy out of his van they are 100% solid, despite what my father thought when I told him where i got them. He was convinced of their quality when he heard them all set up. Soon i will be adding a center and rear speakers. Not to mention a flat panel, wall mounted TV, by soon i mean when we have our own home.
Here is the best of all. It is my computer set up. You will see two computers one is the original G5 iMac, one of the first models to be prodcued. It is pretty sweet, i love it. to the left you will see a Apple laptop, yes it is the brand new MacBook. Again one of the first models. It was purschased two days after being released to the public. Came over from China. It has its issues being new and the Intel duel core processor, however it is all together a great computer, and suits my needs and wants perfectly.

A bit of an update, with Pics

Here are the pictures. The top one should be a pic of the living room, it is nice and spacious, because we have yet to secure ourselves a couch. The second picture is of the bedroom with a bed frame compliments of John and Cina, it is rocking, i will get some pics of the detailed head board, pretty sweet. We love it. plus there is tons of storage under it. Which is good becasue Mandy has lots of "useful" stuff. Now the next should be the kitchen/hall way, kind small but we make due. Following that is the bathroom, even smaller than the kitchen, but as long as it works is all i care about. Finally we have the study. It is perhaps the best room, most spacious and quiet. this is or will soon be our beginning home. Right now Mandy lives here in and 24 days I will too. So here it all is.